Help to Mard's Literaki ENGLISH v1.12

Game startup

After choosing players' names and configuring computers' skill level (the higher the roman number after the name the better the computer plays). The sequence of players is the same as set earlier but the first player to move is picked in a random way.

Playing the game

Ther game ends when each player passes 2 times in a row or any player goes out of his pieces and there are none in the bag. Use mouse to drag the pieces to and from the board. All you have to do to drag a piece is to press the left mouse button and move your mouse while still holding the button. To drop the piece just release the button. To quick remove a piece from the board right-click on it.

As soon as you have placed all the pieces needed to form your word press the PUT button. The decision to accept or to reject the word will be taken by the next player. If he or she accepts it (by pressing YES) will his or her turn and you will receive all the points. If he or she doubts that your word is correct and presses NO you may not gain any points this turn or he or she losses her turn depending on whether the word is in the dictionary. All newly added pieces have a little circle in the right upper corner. When playing with the computer you may choose to auto-accept its every movement in the OPTIONS menu. 

You may choose to exchange your pieces instead of moving. To do that just place all the tiles on the exchange rack (just beneath the pieces rack) and press EXCHANGE. You may do that three times a game.

The tiles have four different colours, which determine their value in the game.

BLUE (3) B G H J U
RED (5) F Q X

When you place a letter on the board and the colour of the letter is the same as the colour of the tile you place it on, you receive extra double bonus to the value of the letter ( i.e. if you place F on the red field you receive 15 points (5+extra 10) ). There are also fields on the board with x2 and x3 bonus. These fields multiply the value of the whole word (after the bonus from the colour of the letter is added).

Additional information

LICENSE information

This program is distributed under GNU General Public License (GPL) - you may redistribute it and modify it for free.This license mush have been shipped with this program. You will find more about GPL at

This application has been developed with wxWindows